Tuesday, February 24, 2009

some weird shite

I doodled this during an office brainstorm meeting two weeks ago on a coffee sleeve. I dunno... These days I find it increasingly difficult to just draw a certain subject matter, or to draw in a single style. A lot of my recent influences have come from a developed interest in data visualization, a la Flight 404 and VJ culture such as Vector Meldrew. Experimental music motivated by 8-bit samples and bizarre laser zaps seem to also play an integral role.

I've got a couple other strange ideas brewing that I hope to play around with some time soon. Stay tuned.

(The smoking guy... I think at the time I really wanted a cigarette since the meeting felt so drab. I just wanted to get the hell outta there lol.)


  1. haha cool XD

    sometimes the best sketches end up being on non-sketchbook paper. :) keep'm coming!

  2. nice and creative :D And it's good to flex your style, that's what I need to learn to do :/
